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Monday, October 5, 2009
Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)
Used by the banking industry to facilitate the processing of cheques. The technology allows computers to read information off the printed documents. Printed in special typefaces with a magnetic ink. Used to describe the special numbers and symbols typically seen at the bottom of cheques, and the technology and processes to produce and analyze these characters.

Optical-Character Recognition (OCR)
Recognition refers to the branch of computer science that involves reading text from paper and translating the images into a form that the computer can manipulate. Enables you to take a book or a magazine article, feed it directly into an electronic computer file, and then edit the file using a word processor. It's a mechanical or electronic translation of images of handwritten, typewritten or printed text.

Optical - Mark Recognition (OMR)Process of capturing human-marked data from document forms such as surveys and tests. Technology of electronically extracting intended data from marked fields, such as checkboxes and fill-in fields, on printed forms.

Dot-Matrix Printer
A type of computer printer with a print head that runs back and forth, or in an up and down motion, on the page and prints by impact, striking an ink-soaked cloth ribbon against the paper, much like a typewriter. Produces characters and illustrations by striking pins against an ink ribbon to print closely spaced dots in the appropriate shape.

A device that draws pictures on paper based on commands from a computer. Plotters differ from printers in that they draw lines using a pen. A plotter is a vector graphics printing device to print graphical plots, that connects to a computer. There are two types of main plotters. Those are pen plotters and electrostatic plotters.

Photo Printer
Designed to print high quality digital photos on photo paper. These printers usually have a very high number of nozzles and are capable of printing droplets as small as 1 picoliter.

Portable Printer
Printer which is compact that could be carried anywhere at any time.
Fax Machine
Technology used to transfer copies (facsimiles) of documents, especially using affordable devices operating over the telephone network. Can send or receive pictures and text over a telephone line. Fax machines work by digitizing an image and dividing it into a grid of dots.

Multifunctional Device
Multifunctional devices bring the worlds of copying, printing, finishing, and scanning together, all in one neat, efficient and cost-effective package.

Internet TelephoneBasic structure of electronic network communications and how Internet communications are different from telephone conversations.