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Monday, August 3, 2009
Webmaster - A person who creates a server and responsible at maintaning it. Besides that, marketing, developing and also designing a website. Also called a web architect, web developer and ect. Other duties also include ensuring that the web servers, hardware and software are operating accurately, designing the website, generating and revising web pages, replying to user comment, and examining traffic through the site.

Computer support specialist - They assist users when there is something wrong with their computers. They help to solve and fix the problem.

Technical writer - Write technical materials in a simpler form. A manual produced filled with instructions, how and what. Also known as a professional writer who designs, writes, creates and ect for online help, user guides, system manuals, and other documents. They produce technical documentation for technical, business, and consumer audiences.

Software engineer - Develop, design and test softwares and systems that makes a computer work.

Network administrator - To mantain computer hardware and software that interconnect with computers. They also concentrate on network design and security.

Database administrator -Responsible for performance, intergrity and security of a database. Also include planning, development and troubleshooting.

System analyst - Responsible for studying the problems and needs to determine how people, data, processes, communications and information technology to improve the business.

Programmer - Designs software programs through building logical work flow charts. They write, test, troubleshoot, and maintain the source code for computer programs.